arnotec GmbH uses part of its corporate profits for social projects. In addition to the long-term commitment of sponsorships through Kinderwerk Lima e. V., we also support projects in the region:
Kinderwerk Lima e.V.

Sponsorships for children in Lima: creating opportunities together
Education is the key to the future. That is why we have been committed to supporting children in Lima for many years. As part of our social responsibility, we have taken on sponsorships that enable the children to receive high-quality schooling and vocational training.
Our partnership with Kinderwerk Lima
Our sponsorships are organized through Kinderwerk Lima. This organization has set itself the task of providing children in Lima with a comprehensive education from kindergarten age. The support ranges from school education to vocational training and gives the children the chance to build a better future for themselves.
We are particularly proud of the commitment of our employees. An additional sponsorship is provided by the employees of arnotec GmbH. This support is more than just financial help - it gives hope and opens up new perspectives.
Why sponsorships are important
In Peru, many children have no access to education. The poverty in which many families live often forces children to work instead of going to school. Sponsorships enable these children to go to school, learn and realize their dreams. Education is not only a human right, but also a powerful tool to break the cycle of poverty.
Link to the organization: Kinderwerk Lima
Youth with perspective

We have been supporting Jumpers - Jugend mit Perspektive since 2024. They are committed to setting up Christian social neighborhood projects, improving the social situation and improving the educational and professional prospects of pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds.
Jumpers quote: "In a world in which many children grow up in emotional and financial poverty and suffer from a lack of equal opportunities and family disruption, we want to make a decisive difference in their development with Jumpers. We are committed to helping them experience unconditional love, heal broken relationships and open up positive life prospects.
Our motivation is the love and power of God that we have experienced and felt ourselves in this world, which makes it clear to everyone: you are wanted, loved and gifted, regardless of your background."
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Martin Luther King
Link to the organization:

Support for the "School as a State" project at the Max-Planck-Gymnasium in Karlsruhe
In July 2024, the Max-Planck-Gymnasium transformed into its own state for the third time!
For an entire week, our school was transformed into a vibrant nation with its own financial and governmental system, where citizens conducted business and passed laws. This fascinating project gives pupils an understanding of the structures and functions of a democratic state and awakens their interest in politics and economics.
A state by young people for young people
The project, which had the motto "Max Planck State - A country we shape", offered the pupils a unique opportunity to experience the basic principles of democracy at first hand. The participants took on different roles: From government officials and business leaders to citizens and legislators. They learned how a state works by experimenting and developing new ideas in a safe and supportive environment.
The aim of the project is to give the young people a deep understanding of social structures and political processes. Through their participation, they learned to take responsibility, show initiative and find their way in a complex social structure. The opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them was an essential part of the program.
More information on the project: School as a state at the Max Planck Grammar School
Werner von Siemens School

Support for the Werner-von-Siemens School in Karlsruhe
In 2022, we are continuing our financial support for the Werner-von-Siemens School in Karlsruhe. The pandemic has presented the education system with enormous challenges and has hadan above-average impacton schoolgirls in particular.Our support is aimed athelpingthe pupilsto reduce the deficits that have arisen and to enable them to receive the best possible education.
A look back at 2020
Back in 2020, we provided short-term support to the Werner-von-Siemens School by funding a special learning seminar. The aim of the seminar was to teach the studentsdifferent learning methods and to help them work on content independently. These measures enabled the pupils tocope better with the changed learning situation during the pandemic.
Continued support in 2022
This year, we are continuing our efforts to support the Werner-von-Siemens-Schule in promoting female students.The financial support will go towards various projects and programsto helpstudentsclose the gaps in their education and improve their academic performance. We want to give students the chance to realize their full potential and achieve their educational goals.
Karlsruher Tafel e. V.

2022 Support for the oldest food bank in Karlsruhe
The food banks in Germany do indispensable work for people living on the edge of subsistence. They support low-income families, single parents, pensioners and other people in need with urgently needed food. They also help social institutions such as day centres, overnight shelters, advice centres and charitable organizations to continue their important work.
In our region, the Karlsruher Tafel in Nördliche Uferstraße plays an important role in supporting people in need. With its dedicated team of volunteers, it ensures that food arrives where it is most urgently needed. This work is invaluable and deserves all the support it can get.
We are delighted to be able to support Karlsruhe's oldest food bank with a financial donation. With this donation, we would like to do our part to ensure that the Tafel can continue to fulfill its important task. The work of the Tafel is carried out almost exclusively by volunteers, and any support - be it in the form of money, food or time - helps to ensure that this help will continue in the future.
Link to the organization:
Action Germany helps

Help for the earthquake victims - 2023
As a company, we see it as our responsibility to help people in such a situation. That is why we are supporting the aid organization "Aktion Deutschland hilft" with a monetary donation to provide first aid to the severely affected people on the ground. Compared to the need, this is a small contribution - but every quick help counts!
Link to the organization:
Help for Operation Mobilization e.V.

Since the attack by Russian troops on Ukraine, war has been raging in the middle of Europe. Millions of people have been forced to leave their homes and are on the run. Many of them are women and children who are in urgent need of our support.Operation Mobilization e. V. helps in crisis situations where it is most needed. As a humanitarian organization with a broad network of volunteers and partners on the ground, it works tirelessly to offer hope and support to refugees.we donate to Operation Mobilisation e.V.
Link to the organization:
Refugee & Migrant Ministries
Karlsruhe (RMK)

Refugee & Migrant Ministries Karlsruhe (RMK) is a local initiative of Protestant free churches and congregations of the Protestant Alliance in refugee and migrant work. RMK has set itself the task of promoting and networking Christian refugee work in Karlsruhe. With language courses, neighbourhood cafés and other projects, arriving refugees should not only live in Karlsruhe, but also really belong there. At the same time, it is important to be able to live the culture they have brought with them.
We support the organization 2022 with a donation.
Link to the organization: